

The MythWeb allows you to use a web page to control various aspects of your MythTV system. MythWeb is a separate application, but it's dependent on MythTV being installed and operational."


"aviManager helps you manage your (large) movie (DVD, DivX) collection. It ships with an intelligent voting system for many users, and attempts to find the best movie to watch. There is also a nice IMdb grabber for fast movie adding."

To use, ssh to your server.  Edit /var/www/aviman/cgi-bin/aviman.cfg, change
$website = "" to the actual IP for your server.
Also change:
@owners = ("thrawn", "markus","ronin");
to the owners for the video tapes, dvd, etc.
Example:@owners = ("Jack", "Ernie","Brad");

MythTV docs

MythTV keys:

Describes how I setup multiple systems to form a Linux Home Entertainment System.


Motion is a software motion detector.  The configuration file for motion is /etc/motion/motion.conf.  All you should have to do is edit "videodevice" to point to your webcam or capture device.  You'll also need to change the IP in /var/www/motion/index.html to the IP of your backend.  For further detail on configuring Motion, please read the Motion Guide.  

/etc/init.d/motion start will start motion.  To have it start automatically, update-rc.d motion defaults 80.  Images and video is stored in /myth/motion. Symlinks to /myth/gallery and /myth/video exist.  

Hover on the left side of the video feed in your web browser.